$648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024: Check Payment Date, Eligibility & How to Apply

In September 2024, eligible parents across Canada may receive a $648.91 Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment to help with the financial demands of raising children. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has estimated this sum as part of its support for families, especially low-income households struggling to cover their children’s basic needs. This post will explain more about the $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024, including eligibility, payment dates, how to apply, and more. Whether you’re familiar with the CCB or new to it, this guide will provide all the essential details.

$648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024

The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment provided by the Canadian government to assist families with children under 18. This program aims to ease the financial burden on parents, particularly those with low incomes, by providing support for child care, education, and general well-being. For September 2024, some families are expected to receive a $648.91 CCB payment.

However, the amount is not fixed for every family. Factors such as the number of children, their ages, the family’s income, and whether the child has a disability can influence the total amount of the payment.

Key Factors Affecting

  • Income Level: The lower the family’s income, the higher the CCB payment they are eligible for.
  • Number of Children: Families with more children may qualify for higher amounts.
  • Children with Disabilities: Additional benefits are available for children with disabilities, provided that the necessary documents are submitted.

For the most up-to-date information, families should consult the CRA website or their My CRA Account.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. These are outlined by the CRA to ensure that the benefit reaches those who need it most.

  1. Canadian Residency: The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or have lived in Canada for more than ten years.
  2. Child Under 18: The benefit applies only to families with children under the age of 18 living with them.
  3. Low-Income Caregivers: Caregivers looking after someone else’s child due to financial hardship may also qualify.
  4. Children with Disabilities: Families with children facing physical or mental disabilities are eligible for additional payments, provided they submit the appropriate documentation to the CRA.

For further clarification and guidance on eligibility, it’s advised to visit the official CRA website at www.canada.ca.

How to Claim the Payment

Applying for the $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024 is a straightforward process, but certain steps need to be followed to ensure that your application is processed smoothly.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Visit the CRA Website: Start by navigating to the official CRA website at www.canada.ca.
  2. Go to Benefits Section: On the homepage, find the “Benefits and Credits” section and select it.
  3. Provide Child Information: You will be required to enter details about your child or children.
  4. Verify Information: Double-check the information before submitting it to the CRA.
  5. Submit Documentation: If required, upload additional supporting documents, especially for children with disabilities.
  6. Submit Application: Once all the information is verified, submit the application. The CRA will process it, and you will be notified of your eligibility and payment date.

For ongoing updates and to track your application, regularly log in to your My CRA Account.

Also Read: Canada Child Benefit Amount In 2024

$648.91 CCB Payment Dates in 2024

The Canada Child Benefit is distributed monthly, and families can expect payments on specific dates. Below are the CCB payment dates for the remainder of 2024:

MonthCCB Payment Date
August 202420 August 2024
September 202420 September 2024
October 202418 October 2024
November 202420 November 2024
December 202413 December 2024

The $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024 is scheduled for September 20th. It’s important to note that the exact payment amount can vary depending on your family’s income and other factors.

Understanding the $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024

While the $648.91 CCB Payment is estimated for September 2024, not all families will receive exactly this amount. As mentioned earlier, the CCB is calculated based on several variables, including family income, the number of children, and any special needs.

Why the Amount May Vary:

  • Income Adjustments: If your family income changes, so may your CCB amount.
  • Number of Children: Families with more children may receive more significant payments.
  • Special Circumstances: If your child has special needs, you may receive additional benefits.

Though the maximum CCB payment for children under six is around $619.75 monthly, this amount could increase or decrease based on the factors outlined above.


The $648.91 CCB Payment in September 2024 is an essential financial lifeline for Canadian families, providing much-needed support for children’s basic needs. Families must meet specific eligibility criteria, and the payment amount can vary depending on income levels and family circumstances. Staying updated through the official CRA website and maintaining your eligibility status are crucial to ensuring you receive the correct payment.

For parents relying on this benefit, the CCB continues to be a valuable resource in managing the financial responsibilities of raising children in Canada. Be sure to apply early and keep track of your payment dates to ensure smooth processing and receipt of your funds.


When will the $648.91 CCB Payment for September 2024 be released?

The payment is scheduled for September 20, 2024.

Can the CCB payment amount vary throughout the year?

Yes, the amount can fluctuate if your family’s income or circumstances change.

Is the CCB payment subject to tax?

No, the CCB payment is tax-free.

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